Tuesday, February 14, 2012

the Government of Indonesia Limit the amount of Digital TV Operator

the Government of Indonesia Limit the amount of Digital TV Operator

Finally, the  Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) beleid signed Decree (Decree) on business opportunities broadcasting multiplexing (multi channel) on the digital television broadcasting.

However, this time not all the new investors in the broadcasting industry can be involved as a member of Broadcast Operator Broadcasting multiplexing (LPPPM).

Billy S. Dewabroto, Head of Information and Public Relations (PIH) Kemenkominfo reasonable, considering the efficiency of infrastructure such as towers, antennas, transmitters have been established cause is entitled to be LPPPM broadcasting company that has been in operation and has a Permit Operation of Broadcasting, including broadcasting infrastructure.

"This leads to new providers an opportunity to institute multiplexing is not given because it is an inefficiency in the event of construction of new infrastructure when existing infrastructure available," he said Monday (2/13/2012).

For the record, business opportunities multiplexing operation is carried out in five zones, namely Zone Service 4 (DKI Jakarta and Banten), Service Zone 5 (West Java), Service Zone 6 (Central Java and Yogyakarta), Service Zone 7 (East Java) and Zone Service 15 (Riau Islands).

Ratification of Decree No. 95 of 2012 followed the previous regulation that was set on February 2, 2012, the Minister of Communications and Informatics No. 5/PER/M.KOMINFO/2/2012 about digital television broadcasting standards remain a paid admission (Free To Air).

Billy assured, in the implementation of LPPPM selection, of course, the government would set strict criteria so that the opportunity to become members will be more open and fair.

"The Government will ensure LPPPM to implement the principles of openness and non-discriminatory so that monopolistic practices could be avoided," he said.

Billy added, the government will impose strict sanctions for any violations. The selection criteria will be strictly defined so that only one private broadcaster (LPS), which represents a group effort to be able to follow the selection process and won the right as LPPPM in one zone.

"The team selection will abort if there are participants who proved to have affiliations with other participants in the same zone," said Billy.

Later, members LPPPM in a service zone must come from the LPS which have obtained broadcasting (IPP) in the service area within the zone. According to Billy, thus concerns the mastery of several zones of services by one LPPPM not need to worry.

Bambang Santoso, Head of Network TV Association of Indonesia (ATVJSI) and owner of Metro Manila Light TV (CTV) said, the advent of Decree No. 95 of 2012 is still lack of clarity to the perpetrators of the broadcast industry-related memberships multiplexing institutions.

"The company currently has a private broadcasting infrastructure is still small in number and can be calculated so that it can be seen clearly who would later become members of multiplexing," he said.

Bambang believes, to this industry still has not spoken to by the relevant government discussion about the best solution for the entry of digital TV era.

ATVJSI now be waiting until there is comprehensive and clear regulations on the implementation of digital TV as well as discussions with industry players, especially on network TV to find the best solution.

According to Bambang, the transition to digital TV era is not a small thing and is a great momentum, but the application does not look perfect.

"The rules that have been defined at this time whether it is correct and guaranteed to provide security for the players in the industry, if later on the way there are suing how," he said.

In this case, Bambang said, just trying to give a real picture of the situation have been related to the digital TV era. Bambang added, in essence ATVJSI will follow the rules imposed by the government pending the overall clarity of the regulations implementing digital TV.

Imawan Masruri Director of Java Pos Multimedia Corporation (JPMC) said that it is the government should regulate broadcasting frequencies are included in the digital TV era as it relates to the public domain.

"The world is not the same as broadcasting or publishing the printing industry, if the frequency is not set then it will be a mess," he said.

According Imawan, the government's decision to limit membership in the institution is correct multiplexing only necessary to advance discussions with business people. The discussion that could be discussed as to whether the need for multiplexing the institution or not.

Imawan proposed, the government should offer businesses prior to the expected pattern which is best for the domestic broadcasting industry.

"For example, proposals that could be given from a total of 12 programs broadcast six programs please contested by business and government while the rest is taken may be given to anyone, including the University," he said.

Related about wanting to become a member, Imawan say, Java Post is ready to participate in the tender to be members of multiplexing. But Imawan requires, the rules given by the government regarding the conduct of the tender should have been clear in advance.

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